Frustrations of a Frustrated Writer

frustrations,grievances,piece of my mind

Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Melting Pot of Culture and Ideas (not Singapore)

I am really not that sure of what to call this blog entry of mine but an acciddent last night made me write this blog entry. It somewhat inspired me and made me ponder on what really is happening around me.

To those who knew me since I was in high school, OK I am referring to my closest friends, you know me as someone who is "open minded" ( I assume ) and also those who know me in college thinks that way too.

When I say open minded, whenever a topic comes that is somewhat 'censored' I don't get offended. I don't get offended because it is something that is a naturally ocurring phenomenon between all organisms in this world and it is an act so as to foster reproduction in this world.

In the social context, however, it is an act to express the passion that one feels inside for the members of the other gender. Whether there is 'love' involved or it is just a 'call of the flesh' it doesn't matter for once that it is done, nothing else matters anymore but the satisfaction that one feels while in the middle of doing it.

And nowadays, it seems that a lot of people are considering it as just a 'regular Saturday gimmick' as one local DJ would say it. Do they even know what is the real reason behind why that is such a pleasurable act? Do they even consider the repercussions of their acts?

For the latter, I think mos of those who engage in it are very much aware of the consequences but for the former I think only a few are truly aware of what is the rationale in doing (ok here it goes I'm going to say the word) sexual intercourse.

Let me remind again the generation of today what is the reason behind doing sex. Sex is meant for reproduction. To foster the growth of the human race. To continue the legacy of one's life so as there would still be life in the next generation. It is not a means to release the heat that one feels. And, this is only an opinion, it is not a mere tool to express one's love to the other.

But who am I to lecture to this generation what sex and love is? Not having any intimate relationship with the other sex and obviously not having experienced sex, what right do I have to judge the people who are engaging in such acts?

I am also human and I know that as humans, we have 'needs'. But unlike animals we have rationality.

So if this is what love means or having a relationship, I am definitely not yet prepared. I am strongly considering right now that I am being prepared or called for other things but definitely not this.

I can openly talk about sex in a very intellectual manner and not in a joking manner but it is very much different in engaging in it just because of pheromones or other things that might have caused your sexual arousal.

To those whom might have offended, don't take this personally. I am just speaking my mind. Nothing personal, I am just talking about a reality in the society nowadays.

Call me old fashioned or even 'manang' but that is just how I am. Take it or leave it.


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